While most all states require auto insurance, one in eight drivers are uninsured. An auto accident in Texas is stressful enough without concerns of uninsured drivers. However, there are steps you can take if you get hit by an uninsured driver.
Steps to take after the accident
The first thing to do is call the police, regardless of the accident severity, so they can make a report. In Texas, reporting accidents is required when injuries are present, you can’t operate the vehicle, or damages are over $1,000.
Though the police usually gather the other driver’s information, make note of it yourself, and get other pertinent information including the officer names and police badge numbers. Gather information about the scene from eyewitnesses, such as road conditions, type of vehicles, and accident causes.
Never let the other person talk you out of reporting an accident the law requires you to report accidents in some cases. Don’t apologize for the accident even if it is your fault because this could be misinterpreted as you accepting liability. Seek medical treatment immediately since some symptoms may not show for several days because of the adrenalin.
Filing a claim
Contact your insurance company and file an uninsured motorist claim, if you have that on your policy, or a collision claim. If an uninsured driver was driving an insured vehicle, that policy will apply to your claim, especially for theft or excluded drivers.
Even if you have uninsured or underinsured motorist protection, sometimes, the expenses exceed the policy limits. Texas is an at-fault state, so you can sue the driver, but uninsured drivers commonly lack assets. However, there may be more than one party responsible.
Uninsured motorist coverage may be a wise investment. If you aren’t sure what your next steps should be after an accident, an attorney may be able to help.