Photo of attorney Matt Breeland

A Steadfast Advocate
For Injury Victims In Austin And Central Texas

How To Seek Compensation For Your Injuries After A Car Accident

Car accidents can be life-altering events, as even minor collisions can result in serious injuries, leading to significant medical bills, lost wages and ongoing physical limitations. Interpreting Texas’s compensation laws can be more challenging without legal expertise.

If you’ve been hurt in a car accident, personal injury attorney Matt Breeland can help you secure fair compensation. As a highly respected Austin personal injury attorney with a proven track record of success, Matt has previously worked defending insurance companies. With this insider knowledge, he fights aggressively for his clients across Texas for maximum injury compensation.

Common Costs Associated With Car Accidents

Dealing with car accident costs brings financial burdens beyond emotional and physical traumas that can be time-consuming. Seeking compensation can help to address the following:

  • Medical bills: Accident-related injuries can require extensive medical treatment, including surgery, medication, physical therapy and rehabilitation.
  • Lost wages: A car accident can leave you unable to work, impacting your income.
  • Diminished earnings capacity: Sometimes, injuries can have a long-term effect on your ability to work or earn a living.

Matt understands the full scope of these challenges and will advocate tirelessly to recover the compensation you need to cover the expenses and restore your life.

How Breeland Injury Law, PLLC, Can Help

Having previously worked defending insurance companies, Matt has a unique insider’s perspective that benefits his clients. He knows the tactics insurers use to minimize payouts and uses that knowledge to build strong cases that can’t be easily dismissed.

As an Austin car accident lawyer, he can handle all manner of injuries, including:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Wrongful death
  • Burn injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Neck and back injuries
  • Facial injuries

Matt’s legal goal is to recover money for your medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering and any other damages you’ve incurred.

Just State A Brief Description Of Your Legal Issue

As a steadfast advocate for injury victims in Austin and Central Texas, Breeland Injury Law fights tirelessly to secure the justice and fair compensation you deserve. Call 888-531-0494 or use the online contact form to schedule your free consultation.